I had just walked out of hell alive and I needed a drink. Valentine's Day is like D-Day for restaurants. A never-ending stream of guests walked through the front doors and I was helplessly trapped behind the bar. Picture it for yourself. There are three other bartenders and we are surrounded by at least 20 people waiting, rather impatiently, for drinks, appetizer, and our souls. Then at the service bar end, tickets are continually printing out for server drinks, and every 2 minutes a hostess is yelling "take-out" at us because we are also in charge of preparing all the take out orders. At one single moment, I just wanted to run, but no I was stuck. Soon, I just kept telling myself, the night will be over soon and then you can have a drink. Over and over, I repeated this to myself. A man at the bar decided to ask me how many nail salons I owned (I'm of asian descent), so I turned around and walked away and repeated the thought, it will be over soon and then I can have a drink. Later on, another gentleman ordered a drink and said it was watered down, to which I told him, the glass was 3/4 of the way full of liquor and he demanded more so I walked away and remembered, it will be over soon.... Finally it was 11:20pm and I was free to go. So I ran to my car and drove to Applebee's. Once I was finally seated I waited, with my order mentally ready, for my server. As he walked to the table the final call bell was ringing, and I practically yelled "BEER PLEASE!", after realizing my insanity I calmed down and said, I'll have a shot of Patron, a Sam Adams Seasonal, and a coke, and when my drinks arrived, all the stresses and annoyances of the night drowned away as I drank my drinks.
So the beer for the week was Samual Adam's Noble Pils.
So the beer for the week was Samual Adam's Noble Pils.

Samuel Adams has a line of seasonal beers. The restaurant that I work for carries some of these Sam Adams Seasonal beers in bottle. We only have four of the total seven available, and true to the name: seasonal, we carry one per season: Noble Pils for Spring, Octoberfest for fall, etc. Samuel Adams has a very informative website that contains information on the history of their company, the history of beer in general, and even information and tips on homebrewing. Before trying the beer of the week, I looked to their site because they also have specific descriptions of every beer they brew. The beer description offers general information, the history of the beer, brewing information, and characteristics. Their section about Samuel Adams Noble Pils was very informative.
Samuel Adams® Noble Pils is brewed with all 5 Noble hops for a distinct hop character and fresh taste. Deep golden in color with a citrusy hop aroma, Samuel Adams Noble Pils is a traditional Bohemian Pilsner. The honeyed malt character from traditional Bohemian malt is balanced by delicate yet pronounced citrus, floral, and piney notes from the Noble hops. The winner of our 2009 Beer Lover’s Choice election, this beer was chosen by over 67,000 drinkers for its crisp complexity and refreshing taste.
In short, the beer is very well crafted and offers immense sensual appeal for the taster to experience. To better understand how the beer will taste without actually tasting it, one must know what hops are and the taste they dictate. Hops are dried ripe flowers of a certain plant that are used in beer brewing to prevent any bacterial action and add a characteristic bitter taste. In other words to the non-accustomed beer drinker, this beer is bitter. I did not like the beer, but in my pursuit of the love of beer, I did my best to appreciate the wide range of smells and tastes. I really did not like the beer.
A reviewer said this:
jwinship83 ( Naperville, Illinois )B+ / 3.95look: 3.5 smell: 4 taste: 4 feel: 4 drink: 4.5rDev: -2.3%12oz bottle drank form my sierra nevada hop tulip glass.A- this one pours very pale yellow colored body with a full finger of fluffy bright white head. small bubbles of carbonation can be seeing racing to the top of the glass.S- semisweet grainy malts and a decently spicy hop finish. well balanced. T- the taste is similar to the smell. mild and refreshing. well balanced with just enough of a hoppy finish.M- light bodied. crisp and well carbonated. clean and refreshing.D- easy to finish. nice flavor and a low enough ABV to be considered a session beer. ill look forward to this every spring.Serving type: bottleReviewed on: 02-16-2010 04:53:22
I cannot disagree with the facts. The facts being that the beer was a pale yellow color, and it was quite bubbly. As for my non-beer drinking opinion, the taste was very strong and bitter. It was sharp/crisp, and it had several different bitter flavors going wild on my tounge. I took two tastes and i was done.
My verdict: NOT a good beer for the girly drinker.
I never knew what hops was. It is nice to know. I know I dont like it in beer either. That is interesting that it prevents bacteria. I will have to check out the website. I do agree about the bitter taste of hops, yuck!
ReplyDeleteI actually have had the nobly pilsner, at a party i want to say which is sad. I really like the Sam adams Lager. But when it comes to pilsner, there is an Orange Blossom Honey Pilsner by Unique's brewing that is really good. It's pretty light and fruity like most, but it has a little tart in my opinion that's pretty good. Sometimes the glass can make all the difference though.